arnold on Jun 04, 2021
**Updated 1/24/23**
How To Install WordPress Onto Google Cloud
Make sure you are logged into Google.
Then Go To:
Click On “Get Started For Free”
You will need to accept the terms of service and click continue.
You will have to enter your payment information. You will NOT be charged anything and there will NOT be an autocharge at the end of your free trial. They need your credit card to verify your identity. In the image below you may already have a payment profile setup. You can use that if needed. If you do not have a payment profile set up then you will need to select the option to create a payment profile.
***Before you start this assignment I highly recommend going to https://pay.google.com/ and make sure you have a valid credit card on there. Sometimes there is an expired credit card on the account that will give you issues. Update your credit card information, or enter a new one and you will not run into a problem.***
Enter your information and click “Start My Free Trial”
You may be asked some questions as shown below. You can answer them if you would like or just click the close button.
You may then see a popup. Do not click on any of the solutions. Click “Skip For Now” as shown in the image below.
Installing WordPress On Google Cloud
Next we will install WordPress into our Google Cloud hosting. Make sure you are at the home page of the Google Cloud Services or click here: https://console.cloud.google.com/home
We want to access the marketplace as shown in the screenshot below.
In the search box of the marketplace do a search for “Bitnami WordPress”
Select the Option for “WordPress Certified By Bitnami & Automattic”
***Do not select the “MultiSite” or the “Multi-Tier.” This will mess everything up!***
Once you select that option you will be presented with a screen where you can launch Bitnami.
If you see the following screen you can click “Enable”
You will now see a screen similar to the screenshot below. Do not worry about the estimated cost shown. We are going to configure this for the free tier hosting from Google. Follow my instructions exactly in order to set this up correctly.
First enter a deployment name for your hosting. Since this is being set up for a resume website I am inputting resume-website. If you are doing a lawncare website then yo can put “lawncare-website.” It needs to be entered lower case, and there can be no spaces.
Enter the server you want to use. For the free tier you can select any of the us-west1, us-central1, or uswest1 options. Consider which region of the country will utilize your website the most and select the most appropriate server. I choose the central location in the image below because it is the middle point of the country. You can choose any of the a , c , f, b options.
Change the machine type to fl-micro
Change the Boot disk size to 30gb