

My name is Dr. Arnold E Robinson III and I teach digital marketing and social media marketing courses at the undergraduate level. My graduate courses include a digital marketing course and a search engine optimization course for managers.

I have has been involved with digital marketing since 2001 when I took my first job as a website developer. I use my vast industry experience to teach participatory, skill based courses that give students the skills and experience necessary to work in digital or social media marketing.

In my digital marketing class, students create websites for local businesses and learn how to market them on the Internet.  In my social media marketing class, students plan and run the social media for local businesses while learning vital skills throughout the semester. These skills include videography, video editing with Adobe Premiere & graphic design with Canva.

I use The Digital Marketing Professor website to teach my courses. With all my guides available online, students can come back to this website later and get a quick refresher from a topic in my class. I also like to leave this website publicly available so anyone can have access to this knowledge.

So take a look around the website and let me know if you have any suggestions about an article I should write!