How To Back Up & Save A Page In Themify

How To Back Up & Save A Page In Themify

If you create a page in Themify but want to back it up to move to another page, or you want to make a new website, or maybe you just want to save it before making some major changes… then these instructions will show you how to do this. First, go to your homepage and click on “Turn on Builder.”


Turning On The Themify Builder

Then click “Save As Layout” from the layouts tab as shown below:

Save As Layout Button In Themify

Give your page a title to help identify the page. If you are saving a resume website call it “Resume Page” or something similar.

Give Your Page A Name

Now you can load your saved layout to any page. To load your page go to the top of the screen in your Themify Builder and click layouts then “Load Layout.”  You will see a section where you can load saved layouts. In the image below you can see the layout I just saved. Practice loading different layouts and then reloading your saved layout.  It is quick and easy!

How To Load A Saved Layout In Themify