How can you help to control for oppositely worded items producing an artifactual factor structure?


artifactual factors

How can you help to control for oppositely worded items producing an artifactual factor structure?

Spector et al (1997) wrote an article to show that artifactual items can be produced by factor analysis when researchers use negative items on a survey because people will only endorse (agree with) items that are close to their true level of the construct, and will disagree with items that are far away in either […]

arnold on Sep 16, 2008



What is a construct?

Constructs are latent variables. A latent variable cannot be measured directly, but only through measurable indicator variables. When it comes to psychological traits, you cannot simply observe a person and be able to record a measure of these traits. For example, if you needed a measure of organizational commitment you could not simply sit a […]

arnold on Sep 16, 2008